Authorship of the work By submitting the manuscript, the Author declares he/she is the person who created the manuscript as original author's literary work and/or the Author is acting on behalf of his/her employer (employee work). If the work is a result of the intellectual creativity of two or more Authors and their contributions cannot be distinguished and used as separate works, we speak of Co-authorship. In the case of Co-authorship, the corresponding Author acts on behalf of all other Co-authors. The corresponding Author must make sure that all other Co-authors have approved and authorized the final version of the manuscript and its submission for peer-review and consideration for publication in the review. The corresponding Author is also responsible for following the Editor’s instructions as well as for all ongoing communication with the Editor and all other Co-authors. It is the Author’s sole responsibility to properly label his/her work (the same applies to Co-authorship); the Author is also responsible for the content of the submitted manuscript (in particular, that the submitted manuscript does not affect and/or infringe any third-party copyrights) as well as for the results of his/her research, which should be published and disseminated through the Právny obzor review. Financial support from grant schemes If the Author’s work was created with the financial support from any grant scheme (e. g. VEGA, APVV or the European structural funds), the Author shall state such information in his/her fully not-anonymized version of manuscript. Granting of non-exclusive license Under the Copyright Act (Act no. 185/2015) the written form of license agreement is not necessary where the non-exclusive license has been granted by the Author. By submitting the manuscript to the Editor, the Author grants the Editor a non-exclusive license in the scope specified in the print version of the review and the review website: Originality, citations and no plagiarism Each Author must respect copyrights, i.e. the Author must refrain from any plagiarism. Work and ideas presented by the Author are either original, or they are properly cited in the manuscript if they come from another author’s work. For citation examples (from monographs, journals, online resources, etc.), please refer to Instructions for Authors. The Author shall also provide an accurate bibliographic list of references used in his/her work. Repeated, redundant and concurrent publication The Author declares that the submitted manuscript: (i) is other than a work already created by the Author in the past and/or already published; (ii) has been submitted for review exclusively to the Právny obzor journal, and (iii) has not been submitted for review/publishing in another journal, magazine and/or any other publisher’s review. Further rights and responsibilities of Authors The Author must follow the Editor's instructions relating to the manuscript, its length, composition and other text editing instructions. Instructions for Authors are published/available in the print version of the review and the review website: The Author has the right to make Author's corrections, but only within the time period set forth by the Editor in order to prevent the increase of the publication costs. If the Author finds a significant mistake or inaccuracy in the published work, the Author must inform the Editor without undue delay and provide all needed cooperation to correct the error. The Author must cooperate with the Reviewers and Editor throughout the whole peer-review procedure. In the case of publishing the work in the Právny obzor law review, each Author has the right to: (i) obtain at least one free copy of the work (one copy of the issue of the review) and (ii) the author's remuneration determined by the Editor. The Editor ensures that manuscripts of the Authors approved by the publisher for publication are digitally stored through the review's website. The Authors do not pay any fees to the editor for this kind of service. The relationships between the Publisher, the Editor, Authors, and Co-authors abide by Slovak law. Editorial Office Publication and peer-review procedure The Editor reviews the submitted manuscripts solely on the basis of their scientific contribution and quality of the work through the Editorial Board and peer-review procedure. The peer-review procedure is free of charge and the Author does not pay any fees in connection with the review and publication of his/her manuscript in the Právny obzor review. Based on the outcome of the peer-review procedure, the final decision on publishing or not publishing the submitted manuscript in the Právny obzor law review is made by the Editorial Board. The submitted manuscript may not be published without the prior consent of the Editorial Board. Editorial Board and Editor-in-Chief The name list of the Editorial Board members and their workplace is published in the journal and on At least 1/3 of the Editorial Board members come from abroad (international element of membership). Each member of the Editorial Board is a scientific expert in the relevant field of law with many years’ experience and international reputation. The Editorial Board supervises that published manuscripts meet high-quality standards and high professional and ethical standards in the peer-review process (e. g. prevention of conflict of interest and overseeing adherence to the non-discrimination principles) and the publication of new and original works in the journal. The Editorial Board and/or the designated member of the Editorial Board appoints the reviewers for peer-review of the submitted manuscripts. The Editorial Board annually approves the release schedule of the journal for the next calendar year and supervises its implementation. Above all, the Editorial Board ensures that any delays or interruptions in publication of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for management, operation and communication with respect to publishing of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief may delegate specific tasks to the executive editors. Confidentiality All manuscripts submitted by Authors for peer-review are deemed confidential and the Editor must always handle them as such until published in the review. Complaints handling All complaints regarding the violation of legal and ethical principles in relation to the submitted manuscript or published work are handled by the Editor. Each received complaint is solved individually. When the complaint is justified, the Editor takes all necessary steps to seek remedy for such breach without undue delay. Contact details All contact details of the Publisher, Editor and Distributor can be found in the print version and the review website: Reviewers Reviewers and peer-review procedure Each submitted manuscript is subject to a peer-review by at least two reviewers appointed by the Editorial Board or by one of its members. Cross-check reviews among the reviewers are acceptable. Each reviewer has to be an expert in the particular field of law addressed in the submitted manuscript. If unable to review the submitted manuscript in due time, reviewers must inform the Executive Editor immediately. A new reviewer will be appointed. Reviewers who do not report any obstacles in delivering the review when due must perform the peer-review of the submitted manuscript within the deadline set by the Editorial Board, or one of its members. A proper peer-review procedure requires an analysis of strong and weak points of the submitted manuscript. Reviewers must review the submitted manuscript primarily for its potential scientific contribution. They also review: (i) formal aspects of the submitted manuscript, i.e. text clarity and readability with regard to stylistics and text composition that must follow the principle one thought = one paragraph; (ii) paper structure/organization; (iii) terminology, i.e. correctness, accuracy and uniformity of used terminology; (iv) subject-matter (e. g. topic sentence and introducing the actual status of positive law in relation to the questions raised, Author´s contribution to the solving of the defined issues, dealing with different legal opinions, etc.); and (v) compliance with the required form of quoting other authors. Based on the set peer-review criteria (stated above), reviewers also provide suggestions and comments on the submitted manuscript supported by specific arguments. The outcome of the peer-review procedure is a reviewer’s report. The reviewer either recommends the Editorial Board to publish or reject the manuscript or to publish it when the reviewer's comments are accommodated. When the Author resolves the comments, the manuscript is submitted to the reviewer for subsequent revision. Where the Author refuses to accommodate the reviewer's comments, the manuscript will not be recommended for publishing. The reviewer must report to the Executive Editor without undue delay any of the following findings: (i) the submitted manuscript has already been published as a work in other periodical, conference publication and/or is free and available online on the internet, or (ii) there is a suspicion of infringement of the copyright, plagiarism and/or any other form of copyright infringement. The Editorial Board supervises that all above-mentioned responsibilities of the reviewers during the peer-review procedure are followed. |
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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